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If I have frizzy hair today....

Well, I'm home again today and I've already called the doctor for an appointment. I'm just waiting on the call back as to when to show. I'm still all stuffed up and coughy and achy, but my stomach is good today, so far...

It was an interesting night. About 2:30 a big line of thunderstorms came through so of course puppy, all 91 pounds of hime wedged himself behind the bed and couldn't/wouldn't get out. In this case, he had cause. We got hit by lightning. This huge flash and boom, right outside the bedroom window. All the power went out. M.E. found a flashlight and I called the power company. They call back 15 minutes later asking if the power is on. No, but thanks for asking. By this time the storm had passed and we disassembled the bed and dragged puppy out. The neighbor has a generator that kicks in when the power goes out. It isn't quiet, especially with the windows open.

By 3:30 big electric company trucks are on our little street street, Making a racket, we hear saws and drills all kinds of noisy stuff. We didn't get much more sleep. Finally just after day break I go out to see what happened. The hit was a direct strike on our pole and bley up the top and the crossbar. This allowed all the wires to fall and short out. This was all fixed just a little while ago and as you can see the lights are now on. M.E was late for work, no power equals no water from our well. Oh well...My cell phone has no signal. I guess the local tower got hit too. More storms are forecast for tonight. Great... Wish me well at the doctors today. I'll update later.


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