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Life should be better.

I've already had three people tell me I either look or sound like crap today. Gee thanks... They are right though, I feel awful. I almost had to stop on the ride in this morning. I should have stayed in bed. My nose is constantly running, I'm feverish and my stomach is upset. Besides that, life is wonderful.

Neil, M.E. and I went out last night to watch the Tuesday night races and to ice up the cooler for tonight. The forecast is for rain and high winds. Just what I need. Maybe I'll just go home and pull the covers over my head. Puppy would like that. I cut my hand somehow last night and it is in full revolt. It stings, and is oozing. I need neosporin. I also made myself bleed giving one of my shots. I'm on a roll.

Watching other people race can be lots of fun. You see a lot of stupid things that you miss while competing. The new Benneteau 36.7 looks faster than the 75 rating it has. Those guys are complaining too. Some people are never satisfied. I think that number will go down before it comes up.

It really pisses me off when people who are suppose to care go out of their way to hurt the people they care about. Isn't the whole caring thing suppose to preclude that stuff? I mean, it is bad enough to hurt people you don't like, but people you do? Some people really need to sit back and re-evaluate. Friends are the most important thing in the world and to deliberately mess that up seems so totally foolish.... Oh well...

And while i'm on a rant, I also hate people who drive in the left lane doing the speed limit. You are not the police, get the hell out of the way. This morining on the way in, a car was broken down and a cop was stopped in the median on Rt 95. They weren't blocking the road at all. Traffic was backed up six miles. People with the urge to slow down and see what was happening. Drive your F-n car. Ugh sorry.... I really am considering just going home. And I could use the rest. Seems like forever that I'm been dragging ass. Life should be better.

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