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Shakespere? not

Some people here write so beautifully. I'm not one of them. More than once in school and later at work, I've been told I write like a police report. I guess maybe thats true. I guess I writer like and Engineer but I don't always have the logical step by step mind of the normal engineer. Sometimes I skip stuff, go on hunches. I'm good at it and it saves time. It isn't the normal pattern for my ilk.

I'm still all stuffy and congested. I only got to sleep last night with a big dose of generic Nyquil. Just as I was dozing off, my sister called. She heard on the news that two boats collided in the fog in the area where we normally race. She wanted to make sure M.E. and I were OK. That was nice, although the wake up was kind of a shock. I hate late night phone calls. They are never good news.

I have a pocket full of antihistamines, but have been delaying taking them. Sometimes they make me goofy. I am goofy enough without drugs thank you very much. So, I'll drink a lot of water and walk slow. That was advice given to me by an old Lebenese guy a zillion years ago.

I'll try to get into work today. I have a few gage designs I need to get done and faxed out. Then I guess I'll try to set up a road trip for tomorrow. It is only 8:00 and I need a nap. That isn't good, is it?


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