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Wow, I've spent a ton of time here today. I guess it beats thinking about being sick. Blah....

Well Monday awoke to the fameous Nantucket fog, thick and soupy. By our scheduled 9:00 departure time it had lifted over the island some so we were able to see getting out the channel. By the time we hit the outer channel bouy, it was back, so thick you could cut it with a knife. When I had the boat launched I had them put a radar reflector permanently up high in the rigging. This was some consolation. We paired up with a smaller boat that had radar. We were travelling in very narrowm very busy waters and the visability was maybe 100 feet, sometimes less. Several times we heard the horns of boats we never saw. VERY scary. It was just too foggy to try the approaches to Cuttyhunk, so we came home. BEcause the boat we were traveling with was smaller we limped home at less than six knots. The fog lifted over Newport and we had a beautiful sunset. We hit the mooring at just around 10:00, a 13 hour sail.

We went home, ate played with puppy and went to bed without unpacking.

Monday we slept late, did laundry and cleaned the boat. Except for this damn cold all was right with the world. Another Figawi in the books.

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