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Bye bye for a bit...

Well, the last entry for a while. I leave today at 11:00 and won't be back on line for a week. I'll miss it. There are special people here. I do need the time off though so...

Today promises to be a busy day. I need to do the last minute shopping for bread, booze and a few other things. I need to pack up all the frozen things at home in a big cooler packed with ice. I need to put the new hydraulics on. I need to pack my clothes. I need to meet with puppy sitter, and give her keys and money. Oh yeah I need to get an extra set of boat keys, just in case. Oh and the sailmaker and the canvas people are coming today and the grass is so high.... sigh

I'm tired all ready. LOL Kris has decided to come up by car and ride home with Johhny the chin so we'll only have 5 people for Thursday and Monday/Tuesday. Lots of room to sleep. A good thing. 5 is still more than enough people to sail and have fun with. BTW if you are in Nantucket this weekend look us up. We'll be in the boat basin, on a dock flying a giant blue flag with a big gold check-mark on it (the old boat was called Sanity Check). The new boat is blue with white stripes and called High Maintanence. The cooler will be full, so...

I'm really not in the mood to be here, but I'll put in my time and go. The Safety coodrinator wants me to meet the guy who is in checking out the company for our impending sale. Just what I need more BS. The guy and I agree that we are probably history soon after the sale goes though. I hope we are wrong, but...

Somebody I care about has disappeared from the face of the cyber world. I miss them. Come back, OK?

Have a wonderful week be safe and when I get back I should have a good story or two to tell.



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