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Free food and not free food

Ahhm Thursday, the week is winding down. My visit to the furnace manufacturer yesterday was productive. Yummy Thai seafood fried rice :-) The guy who owned the company was interesting. I wonder if he needs an engineer? To far to travel though.

I've applied for several jobs in the last few days, but I don't expect to hear anything soon. Companies take so long to hire people these days, and the ones that don't you have to be leary of. Quick to hire can usually mean quick to fire. Not a good combination.

I feel pretty rested and sane today. A combination that seems all to rare lately. Maybe I'll even cut the grass tonight. My puppy is the cutest animal on the planet. No argument allowed here OK?

I guess we are going to go mega-shopping for all the food for Figawi this weekend. Cooking for 8 people on the boat is always an interesting challenge. My crew isn't too picky and I'm a pretty good cook, so it all works out. I try to pre mix all I can and freeze everything that is freezable. Magerine, lunchmeat, even juice boxes will stay cold forever if you freeze them first and keep them in a cooler that doesn't get opened. We are doing prime rib and lasagna amoung other things...

By next week at this time (8:00 am) we will be already under way for an hour. I can't wait. I need to put on the bimini, the TV (so we can watch the weather and in case it rains all weekend) and the rest of the pots and pans. I love going away on the boat. Kerry as is his usual scam has come up with an excuse why he can't do the delivery. He does it every year, I'm not sure why. We have a super time and he regrets it afterward. He doesn't need to make these cheesy excuses either, just tell me he isn't coming until race day. That means extra sleeping space and less food to cook so it works for me. he pays a full share so I don't really care. Laura is only coming for the weekend too. She just had a baby or she'd be in for the whole trip. We now have more than enough bunks. A good thing.

Well I guess I should get some work done.


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