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Soggy and tired

Well, I'm back from the hinterlands. Fairly sucessful day if you don't mind being stuck in Boston traffic for what seemed like forever. I ran a sample in an oven I love. Easy to program, operate, price isn't bad. Too bad none of us will be here t osee it come to fruition. Oh well...

I went down to the boat, to try and recharge the batteries after leaving the refrigeration on all night Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. It was pouring (a metaphor for my life lately? the launch was out of operation and somebody had borrowed the work boat.

The boat is now on a mooring about 200 feet from the dock. It might as well be 200 miles. After standing in the rain for a while Howie finally pops his head out of the his boat, sees me waiting, and comes over to see what i'm waiting for. I make him take me out to the boat. Howie owes me for favors past so he does. I hate the workboat. It is too low and grungy and wet. Now so am I.

I check the battery levels and they are low, so low I'm not sure I can start the engine, but it does. Now I'm stuck in the cold damp boat with an hour or so to kill until A: the batteries charge and B: the launch driver comes to rescue me. I'm trying to speed up the charging so no stereo and no heat. Brrr. I tried to take a nap but I couldn't. So I worked on some navigation for Figawi, listened to the handheld radio for the weather forecast and waited. Finally at 4:00 the launche came and rescued me. It was a wet ride back.

I popped in the club bar to warm up. 4 glasses of Merlot later I was. I went home, snuggled on the couch with puppy and M.E., ate and went to bed. the end.

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