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Roller Coaster

I had kind of an up and down weekend. The unsettled job situation really took the glow off of Friday night. It's tough to really relax when you start thinking about money and bills and security or lack their of. I am still in the running for the other job I interviewed at, but I didn't get good vibes from talking to the guy doing the hiring on Friday. Maybe that is a good sign, but probably not.

Saturday we had a really nice sail. M.E. is becoming a much better driver. She drove more than I did. It's nice to see her having fun. We had to move the boat out to the mooring and thin line was completely slimey and disgusting. I got goo all over my Marthas Vinyard Sweatshirt and it smelled pretty bad. I tried to wash it in the club sink, but no dice. I hope it comes out in the real wash.

Neil promised somebody he'd help them go up the mast and wanted me to drop him off on the dock. The guy he wanted to help is a real pain so I figured he could wait. Neil called the launch even before we were tied up and the launch was like 100 feet away so I had to scramble to get things together. Well I forgot to turn off the battery switch and the refrigerator. Yesterdays visit shows that all three of my formally fully charged batteries are beat. Hopefull there will be enough juice to start the engine and recharge them tonight. We'll see.

We did the moms day thing yesterday and that was gaff too. I got past Providence before I realized I didn't have my wallet, so back home we went. I hate being late. Then my evil aunt gave us the wrong time on our invite so we showed up even later then we were suppose to. Mom was on the verge of a breakdown. sigh... the food was Ok I guess...

I'm on the road today, beautiful Cow Hampshire again. if I get back early enough, maybe I'll write more. Have a happy Monday!

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