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Is it time to go home yet?

What do I want to say today... I have no idea. I'm going to arrange road trips for most of next week to kill time and may dream up a mini escape today. Escape from work, life, seems like a plan at this point.

Yesterday was a mostly down day. First I had to argue with the sailmakers, then I thought about lots of things that I hadn't in a while. Stuff from the olden days, funerals of people who died way too young and friends no longer here. Must have been the weather. Last night was a do absolutely nothing day. I watched the Sox win again and then ER and of course Mark dies a painful death in the end. A great uplifter just before going to sleep. M.E. talking in her sleep and puppy needing attention sometime before dawn did not make for a restful night. Surprisingly I feel Ok, so far... but in the words of the Animals, "we got to get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do, girl theres a better life for me and you".

Plans for the weekend, not much. Tonight is an informal birthday party for Mo. Tomorrow, who knows. Sunday dinner in the middle of the afternoon with mom. Somewhere in there i need to get the boat out to the mooring. The mooring line is totally slimed over and I'm sure there are things living in there. A little bleach and a lot of sun will fix things, eventually. Until then slime hands will reign surpreme. 14 days till Figawi.

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