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The anti diet, Run...

I'm hot. I'm not blowing my own horn here, I mean it strctly in a temperature kind of way. My office is on the sun side of the building, which is made of bricks. When it is as beautiful out as it is now, I sweat. Not much attractive about that is there folks? Oh well, less then three hours and I can go home.

I'm VERY bored again today. Gee, seems I might have said that once or several thousand times lately. Please oh HR managers, please call and make me an offer I can't refuse. Right now it wouldn't take much. Sigh..

I haven't decided if I'm going to go down tonight and clean the boat or end up doing absolutely nothing (which is my vote right now). Maybe I'll get a second wind here. The boat is covered in salt and Smartfood. It really could use a bath. Maybe, maybe not.

Almost all the people I read have not posted today. Thank God I have Monica to keep me awake. She should get special Karma for keeping the lives of dull little people like me entertained. This is a major thing.

Well, puppy went to the vet Saturday. He is now officially on a diet. 91 pounds is too much it seems for his now neutered doggie butt to be carrying around. The vet says it is normal for them to gain weight after they have been fixed. Man I'm glad they didn't do that to me. I have a tough enough time of it as it is.

Have a super rest of the day!


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