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Dog tired

Well, it is Friday, this is a good thing. Where to start today? Maybe with a couple of observations.

1) I have way too many friends willing to supply me with free drinks, just to keep me from going home.

2) This phenomenon is a good if puzzling thing.

3) This phenomenon is bad if puzzling thing.

4) Note to self...I should not send emails after heavliy drinking free drinks.

OK, now that we are done with that, I guess we'll start in the middle. I am beat this morning. Why you may ask? OK, I'll tell you... On top of the excessive amounts of colesterol lowering red wine I drank last night (for medicinal purposes only), I also had to get up at 1:am to rescue puppy who had gotten his 85 pound self wedged behind the bed because of an irrational fear of thunder. I don't know why it sets him off, but he feels the need to crawl into small spaces and wimper. His tail continues to wag however. Whats up with that? I've tried reasoning with him, but in this case it doesn't seem to have the desired effect. So on to plan B. We have to dismantle the bed, drag him out, put things back together and block off the access so he can't do it again. By this time I'm wide awake and spent the next hour listening to the thunder and thinking about crawling under the bed. Sigh.. 5:00am came WAY too early this morning.

The intervew at company #2 went mostly well. I realized early on that I know way more that the guy I'd be working for does. He realized it too, basicly admitted he was in over his head and would I mind working for somebody who had less experience and qualifications then he had. The answer was honest, if the money is right, no problem. This company has soo much growth potential that it will be easy to find a spot to grow into, and who knows, I might just be able to shine my way right by incompo-man into a nice spot there.

Wow, the Monkees are playing on the annoying ear valium music system. The things people are able to dig up from oblivion....

So I got a tour of the place, covered lots of things I'd be doing if I got hired and impressed the hell out of this guy and the HR lady. The place is casual, way over crowded and people seem to be having fun. A good thing. They are building a brand new plant and making money hand over fist. He did not offer me the job, has two more people to interview, but he did ask me when I could start. We'll see I guess.

The wind was suppose to blow 40+ knots today so after the interview and after dinner I went down to the boat to put some extra lines on. I also cleaned a little bit and then hit the bar where all the regulars were packed in. This resulted in the red wine rant referenced above. Neil can't race with me Tuesday so I need to find a replacement. Joycee is already signed up and she is probably as tough as Neil and a pretty good sailor so that might work. She has a much better butt so this could be distracting though. I'll just have to find a way to deal with it.


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