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Spring Race 2

I was seriously considering pulling the plug on last nights race. On the way home, It was wet, windy and cold. I hate that combination. We eventually got all of them, but when I got home, it was sunny, not all that cold and the wind was nice. So we went.

The crew showed up early and we were the second ones off the dock. We got a chance to check out the conditions and i made an executive decision, the conditions were too iffy for the new sail. We were getting everything from 6 knots of wind up to 25. I didn't want to take a chance, so at times we just didn't have enough horse power. My start wasn't that good either. I got put in a position where I could have been squeezed out and had to go behind another boat. It worked out OK though. The boat ws fast but we were just not in a groove all night. Crew work was shaky and I drove eraticly. At times i was in a great groove, other times I did not have a clue. We finished third, in the pouring rain and aproaching darkness. The crew did a great job getting the sails put away and we motored for the dock at full speed, got tied up, turned onthe heat and power drank for an hour or so. Bob Y and I killed a couple bottles of grapes and the trash was pretty full of beer cans. The after race was much better than the race, but then, we have more practice at the later....

Most of us hit the Club for more beverages of choice. I had three more Merlots and hit the road. 5:00 came way too early this morning. UGH, I already need a nap. Is that a bad thing?

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