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Bachelorette #2

I may have to kill Al the garage guy who has been trying to fix my truck for the last few months (has it really only been months? Seems longer). Yesterday he left me stranded again without vechicle standing on a corner waiting for him to pick me up. He had a long excuse, he always has a long excuse. The reality is he forgot. So I stand there looking at my watch, calling the garage every half hour. At least it wasn't raining, yet... What is almost as bad is when he finally does come, he feels he has to tell me his life story, the divorces, the state screwing him over...every time. I think I now know his life better than mine. I do not want to know his life. He is old and fat and greasy and smells like cheese. Nobody should have to know his life. Well after all that, the truck may or may not be fixed. If it is, all the people involved admit it was by accident. But the lights are out, well see. The truck also now smells of cigarette smoke. UGH

I put the table back in the boat last night. It doesn't look all that great, the center of the top really need refinishing. Next year I guess. It poured when I was walking down the docks, both ways. I got soaked. A few glasses of Pinot helped take the chill off.

M.E. and Mary showed up about 15 minutes after I got in. They went to a dinner/psychic show with a bunch of their friends. The psychic says I am going to change jobs and I am going to come into money. I sure hope she is right. She also said we were going to move. Not a chance in hell. Oh well....

The TV in the Club had this Bachelor show on. First time I had ever seen it. This guy had to choose between a 23 year old with big boobs and a 33 year old dancer who seemed pretty smart and funny but was more reserved. He went with the boobs. I would have chosen differently. I can't imagine marrying somebody you met in a situation like that, but they both seem pretty comfortable with it. I felt bad for the one who didn't get picked. She was crying. I am NOT good with women crying.

We plan to leave for Newport around 11. The sun is out and we'll have good breeze. Ken and Joyce are coming down tonight. Steve & Diane and Neil and Mary on Saturday. Should be fun, even if we have to sail back in the rain on Sunday. Wish uis luck.


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