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Puppy sitter wanted...

Not a good morning, no indeed. I call on the new sails and only one, the smallest one will be ready for tonight. It is going to blow ten to fifteen knots tonight, this is not enough for the smallest sail. Not during a race. They are going to try to get one of my old sails ready, but no promises. Sigh.. They promised they would all be ready yesterday. They lied.

Looks like the truck is not fixed either so probably another day in the euro-trash death trap. Wonderful... Maybe I should have stayed in bed?

Work is work, blah.

I fianlly got an email from Robin and life is as well as to be expected. Robin is a good friend who I miss a lot. I wish she was closer, we'd have a blast.

Same goes for Matilda's in who's diary I got a nice mention. Also

thanks to Mo, Sandy and Monica for the emails wishing me well on tomorrows job interview. These have definately been the bright spots in my day so far.

I need a puppy sitter for the weekend. Amanda can't make it, so I'm in search mode. We want to leave Friday for a birthday/Anniversary weekend in Newport on the boat. I hope we can find somebody... I'l keep looking.

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