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A little Golf

Well this day sucks so far. I am now driving what looks to be the original Volkswagon Golf ever made while they againg try to fix my truck. The VW shakes really badly has something called repair plates instead of a regular registration and the guy at the garage tells me that if I get stopped to tell the truth about what is going on. This does not sound like the best deal. Oh yeah the radio does not shut off when you turn off the car and the driver door does not like to close. sigh

My job interview for tonight is off. The guy I am suppose to meet is sick. They want me to come in tomorrow. Nope, that is race night. I'll try for Wednesday or Thursday.

I'm having one of those days where I just feel off, not running at 100% I got quite a bit of sleep last night too. Maybe it is the weather, cold , gray and wet. Maybe it is the drugs drugs flowing along in my system, trying to keep me healthy(or are they wrecking things?). Maybe it is nothing. I just wish it was better.

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