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Poor Puppy....

Hmmm, So I click on the link Monica has on her site for web girl and I find, well, I guess you could describe it as a woman who is very much in touch of herself, or maybe that should be rephrased very much likes to touch herself. It was sort of interesting, but she isn't my type. Way too over developed, if you know what I mean. It wouldn't be good to get caught her on my screen if the boss walked in so back in the box she goes. I could never live my life on camera. Hell most of the time I don't like the exposure I have now. Oh there are exceptions, but showering naked on tv is not one of them.

Well today is going better than yesterday. I got to swap a few email with K and life is going OK there I guess. Major tests coming up so keep your fingers crossed that everything is OK. I am.

Tonight should be interesting. We are all going to Newport for this special meeting called by a rebel group in the yacht club there. A rebel group in a yacht club? What is up with that. Well it will give us a chance to hang, have a beverage or two and maybe dinner. Not too bad. Beats mowing the lawn, wich already needs to get done.

M.E. called a while ago and wanted to know if I fed puppy yesterday. No I never feed puppy during the week, he stays in bed with you. Oops, she forgot and poor puppy did not get fed. No wonder he scoffed the cheese and Frosty paws I gave him when I got home last night. Poor puppy... He didn't eat much this morning though so maybe the heat has made him not too hungry any way. Well, I have to get back to work. Enjoy the afternoon.


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