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I knew it

I am completely bummed..... I knew boss guy was going to be a problem today and he is. He came into the office spouting numbers asking questions. I had no idea what he was talking about. So I finally got him to slow down and pulled the file he was going on about. Apparently it has a mistake. The thickness of the material is off. This gaffs up the whole works. I didn't make the thickness up, it is a weird size. It has to have come from him. But I didn't write it down, and he doesn't remember. So it is my problem. It's always my problem. Shit flows down hill and you are looking at the bottom of the pile.

So instead of enjoying the wonderful weather and my lunch I let it bother me. I hate letting things bother me, but it happens way more than I'd like. I will survive and be stoic on the outside. I'll fix the problems, move on and life will be wonderful. I also have this bridge in Brooklyn, very nice condition, hardly used for a very low price.....

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