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grapes vs food

Molly got a new template (weezer1d)complements of Monica. It looks pretty nice. Pop in and check it out.

My headache has been getting progressively worse, so it is time to chemically attack. Better living through chemistry. If you can fix it with drugs, then why the hell not do it?So I will

We are going sailing tonight. Neil called and thought it would be a good idea and it is. The fridge level is approaching the danger zone though, especially on grapes. This is not a good thing. I really need to make a packy run, but the budget is kind of on the screwed side. Oh well I don't really need food.

I called a bunch of people on short notice for tonight. We'll see who comes. M.E. was going to clean the kitchen. It is kind of a mess, but I convinced her it can wait and it can. It really isn't that bad, we aren't expecting company, and dirt is easier to remove once it decomposes for a while. Right?

Well have a great night!


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