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Not your usual mail

YEAH!!! I just got an email from Ms Matilda and she is alive and well, just electronicly removed. I miss having her around and hope she gets back soon.

I also got my Monica package today. It was full of all kinds of interesting stuff, none of which I can devulge under penalty of death or having to eat rabbit poop which may or may not have been in the envelope. Reliable sources are refusing to comment.

I went out for a nice walk at lunch to try to get the system moving. I'm not sure if it is migrane hangover, my pending blood letting or what, but I really am sluggish today. So I'm following the advice of this old guy I use to work with a million year ago: "Drink a lot of water and walk slow". Thats how he got through life.

M.E. is going to the YC solo tonight to help fill out invitations to the commodores ball. It is this formal thing the club throws every year, very dressy, showy and expensive. We usually go. Not this year. Why? Because the commodore and most of the rest of the board are jerks. I don't need to spend lots of money to celebrate the election of jerks.

We will play in Newport that night. Newport YC really suits our style more any way. The are way laid back and very friendly. The view over Newport Harbor from their deck is the best in the city. I can also get a very good glass of wine for under 2 bucks. Such a deal. I signed us up for their new members party at the end of April. Niels daughter Kris (from my crew) is a new member too so they'll be there. Should be fun!


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