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Missing a screw or two

I really didn't want to get up this morning. Really... So I dallied. This resulted in having to scramble and drive Indy car style into work. I did make it on time, alive. I hate to be late for anything.

Well I was excited to get the rest of the old sails until I realized that the hardware for installing the mainsail is missing. I went through every drawer, every cabinet, Nada. I called the old owner who was out and never returned my call. I hope he has this stuff because I have no idea what it looks like.

I got one of the new cockpit speakers in and it sounds great. I hate cutting fiberglass, it makes such a mess and itches like hell. I wore gloves which was smart for a change. I did not measure where the locker cover would end up when the locker was closed. Dumb, dumb, dumb... Fortuantely it all fits fine and it wasn't like I had much of a choice. The old speaker holes had to be covered so... I love my Dremel tool. It cuts through everything.

M.E. was a cleaning fool. When she gets into one of these modes, just get out of the way. So when it got dark, I went to the YC bar. She cleaned for almost another hour. The guys at the club have been busting her up saying they are going to get her a holster for her cordless vacuum and dust pan. I'ts good to see her excited though.

I had one too many glasses of Merlot. I don't mean that in an I was drunk and staggering kind of way, more like I wanted to watch ER and fell asleep with my glasses on kind of deal. We were both ready to leave a few times before we did, but those damn shot glasses marking the free drinks keep showing up in front of you. They are a tough crowd to say no too.

Oh well, Happy Friday...


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