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Drip, drip

I was really pissed yesterday afternoon. I went to pick up my truck, got a lift to the garage after work and found it up on the lift with no one there to get it down. The place was empty. I waited an hour in the rain for Al the owner to show up. It still is not fixed. I was steaming and ready to go off on a major rant this morning and then I came here and read about my friends and it just didn't seem important any more.

The pain of physical ills and emotional stress of people I consider friends, even though I've never met them (and mostly never will I suspect) make my troubles seem trivial. ... and so they are.

The one email I got today was from a former co-wprker. I didn't get a job I applied for. Jeff now works at that company and said that the position was filled through inside connections. It would have been a nice fit. Oh well, I guess I'll be here a while longer. People seem to like me here, I have friends, they treat me well. If my job satisfaction was higher and my ride shorter it would be ideal. Neither show signs of improving though.

I went down to check out the boat last night and it is still floating. It was pouring rain and I found one small leak which I put a pan under. It is now on my list of things that need fixing. It was amazingly clean considering how many people were on board Monday night.

I need to call my mom and invite her to dinner tonight to make up for the birthday snafu. If she is up to it, I'll give her the grand tour of the vessel too. Then she'll rag on me for not taking her sailing last year (she was messed up most of the year and couldn't have gone if she wanted to. She will conviently forget all of that.)

I'll promise to take her out this year and all will be forgiven.

Well, off to work...

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