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Breeze and brew

Well, less than an hour to go. Zincs are in and have been installed. Nothing (hopefully) to stop us now. The sun is even out. Hopefully it will stay that way for a while. It is kind of breezy though, not good for launching. Conditions here at work are often totally different from the YC so we'll see....

Funny, I've been thinking more about the people I'm going to miss here today than I am about all the up coming things to do. The weekends can be tough. I need my Diary/email fix. Maybe I need shock therapy? Hopefully I won't get it in any way or manner today.

So, well have the heat cranked up, and the refrigerator full and the tunes on high and we're off... To hopefully a wonderful relationship. High hopes and resonable expectations... Kind of like life huh?

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