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Thank you:-)

Well, the big phone conference with the company president is apparently off. Some kind of mix up over time I guess. Oh well, I'm ready for when ever they reschedule.

I was just thinking, sometimes you are fortunate enough to meet someone so rare that you know they are going to be a part of you no matter where you go in life. I've been very fortunate to have met several of those people in my life. M.E. was definately one, I knew that the first time I met her. Extraordinary lives in an ordinary world. A rose growing in a field of weeds. You never can repay the gift these kind of people leave you with, but it is always fun trying. Oh one more thought, it's funny how sometimes simple things like a phone call can change your whole day. Emails too.

There is a manager here who doesn't like me. I'm too much of a straight shooter for him. I ask too many hard questions. He seems to be a CYA kind of guy and those kind of people hate to heave the light shined too close. He has played his cards though so he isn't nearly the threat he could have been if he hid them. Not a poker player I guess.

Well, I'm off... Time to get some real stuff done. Have a wonderful night. Even the people who don't like me. I'm in a good mood :-)

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