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Sunny outside partly cloudy inside

Well, I cancelled my Doctors appointment, because I just didn't feel like going. Not a good reason I know, but that is the only reason.... I did reschedule for two weeks so I'm not totally irresponsible. I guess...

The truck is back and it only cost $900. Jury is still out on if it is really fixed. The lights are out for now anyway. If they stay that way for a while, I'll be happier. The garage guy doesn't believ in stopping at the stop signs in the neighborhood. Could be interesting some day. A good rememinder for me to really look when I'm there because he might be coming the other way.

It is a beautiful day out 50's sunny, blue skies. The snow is gone. I am not going to make it to 3:30, I'm sure of it. The person in the next office is out today, so I am totally alone in my little block of office hell. No visits, not phone calls, no emails. Just office isolation/deprivation. :-(

I had a headhunter call last night, interesting job, but too far away. Monster has a local position, that I'll check into when I get home. Why can't I just hit the Powerball and not have to worry about this crap?

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