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Bastards... an Monday rant...

Well, I should be in a good mood but I'm not. The boat is amost ready to go in and the idiot brake light in my truck has gone away so it should be a happy day, but it isn't. Damn YC politics.

There are two kinds of people at the Yacht Club, regular working guys who use it as a place to hang and keep their boats, and people who see it as a means of social climbing. As I'm sure you have figured out if you have read any of this, I am the former. The later would just as soon have all fun and entertainment banned. It is all about enhancing the building and ones place on the social ladder. This does not fit my agenda and occasionally I let them know about it.

Well it seems that one of the members sent a tape to the executive board with some fairly foul bar language on it. I didn't hear the tape, I have no idea whats on it, but some how my name came up as possibly being one of the potty mouths.

I'll admit I say bastard alot. It is probably the only foul language I use on a regular basis. Bastard is the informal greeting of my whole crowd. You have to say it in a South Park kind of voice as in "You killed Kenny, You bastard". It's not anything you can't say on TV, hell thats where we got it from, but apparently some of the social climbers are upset. They won't tell you to your face, they let it filter through from people that are on the fringes of both groups. It pisses me off. You are suppose to be leaders, have some guts! Maybe they should look at the two past commodores, one of whom was suspended from racing for a year for saying stuff during a race that he would later have to appologize for in writing. The other one is a fisherman and the afternoon conversations could scrape paint off the walls, but because of their status, they are untouchable. Hell even the person, who is suppose to be my friend who told me this was suspended from the club for a month for calling the head bartender a name I'd never call a woman.

Easier to pick on what the executive board calls the "bar trash". You know the people who actually use the facility, help out when stuff needs to be done, attends the activities and events... Well screw them. They are not going to drive me off with second hand threats or hints.

I've made a consious effort to stay out of politics here, because the people involved are way too self serving. Always looking out for whats in if for them and that is not my style, but they really don't want to push me into a corner. I can be the biggest thorn in thier side that they have ever seen. It takes a lot to get me there, but when I do, watch out.


This bothers me more than it should. I wonder why.. Maybe because I lived there for a year and still consider it home away from home? Maybe because I know the place could be so much better. I don't know...

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