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Chair today, gone tomorrow

Singing this note cause it fits in well with the way I'm feeling...

Happy Wednesday, sigh.... We are having a broken cair emergency here at work and I have been tabbed to help correct the problem. That would be easy except this is the 7th one this year and the pool of suspect chairs keeps getting larger. There are no signs that the chairs that fail are going to fail. There is no pattern. The President of the company is PISSED and wants action fast. So, I'll be dropping everything and going on chair patrol.

I got poked and prodded and stuck by the biggest needle I have ever seen yesterday. The nurses who took the blood were shocked by the size of it and said that from now on they'd use their own, instead of the ones supplied with the evalutation package. I had to have a chest Xray too. Very thorough. My next appointment is in 2 weeks. I meet with my guy tomorrow at 4:30. I'm begining to hate doctors. On the other hand, I have it lots easier than some people I know, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

I cleaned out a chunk of the garage last night, and took a load of stuff half of which went into the boat and half of which went into the dumpster. This is also the plan for tonight. M.E. washed all the boat glasses and they will probably go on, if it doesn't rain to hard. I'd like ot get a coat of wax on the port side too. We'll see.

I know it's not a guy thing to do, but if I had the money, I think I'd travel around the country just to hug the friends I know are having tough times right now. Funny how a good hug can do more than all the words in the world. I'd start on the West Coast because I think Kendall and Robin need it most, then work my way across the country back home to RI. Ithink that would be something, It would also be nice to leave behind a little cash....

Oh well...back to the chair wars.


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