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I don't understand...

I've always had a sixth sense about people. I can tell the good ones from the bad ones almost immediately and I ignore this gift at my own peril. I've also been able to tell when bad things happen to somebody I know as they are happening. When the ambulence came up the street for my brother I literally had chills through my body. When the ex's sister killed herself, I knew before I picked up the phone. That is just a few of several occurances, yesterday it happened again.

There was a news flash that some crazy ex husband had been stalking his ex, got out of jail shot at the police and then killed the ex and himself. Even though no names were announced and I didn't know anybody in that situation, I immediately felt I knew her. It was a crazy thought, it could have been literally hundreds of thousands of people. I wasn't wrong.

The husband had just been released from jail for the 4th time. He was out on $500 bail. I just had this eerie feeling that it was somebody I knew. I couldn't shake it. They said the guys name and it didn't ring any bells. I figured I was wrong for a change, but then last night on the news, I saw the house. She had a different last name. We had met several times, even over drinks once. She worked at my cousins real estate office and I use to be a mortgage broker for a short bit, while between engineering stints. She was a nice lady, pretty, smart and man could she sell houses.

I guess I can't understand the mentality. My ex deliberately hurt me in more ways than you could imagine, but I never had the ugre to hurt her, never mind kill her. What a waste... I don't get it.

The day is going by quickly, but it is starting to rain so I don't know how much we'll get done tonight. I have to take the varnish off the table I have been refinishing. I didn't get it all off the first time I sanded it and there are now spots of different colors. sigh. I'm always in too much of a hurry... Well except when sailing.

If you check out the profile you'll see I added a new favorite person, Matilda ... She is very sweet and going through some tough times so if you have a little extra positive energy today, send some her way OK?


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