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Call me Willard?

I really don't know what to write today. Physically I feel good, better than I have in a while. Mentally, I'm fine too, but emotionally, well... I'm not so sure. There isn't anything wrong in my life or relationship that a new job wouldn't fix, but today I am just sad. People aren't supposed to be sad for no reason are they? I'm sure I'll shake it off, I always do. Maybe it is because it is going to rain? I don't mind the rain much, except when I have stuff outside that needs to be done. Rain gives you a legitiamate reason to goof off. Everybody needs that sometimes. Maybe my batteries just need a charge? Thats probably it, too much stuff out, not enough stuff in.

I am going to the doctors tonight to have all the tests done for my stint as a lab rat. Every visit will get me $25 and free meds until I'm cured the study runs out or I die, which ever comes first. The nurses there seem very nice and one Caroline is extremely beautiful. I hope I get her, it is easier having people stick you with stuff and pull out your blood when you are distracted. I am so use to the needles that I hardly ever notice unless the vampire is a real hack. Most aren't.

I got very little work done last night. I sanded the table top and when I put a coat of varnish on realized that I did a crappy job. It will need to be redone tonight. Sigh... M.E. cleaned the remaining cushions. That was it. I may start getting stuff together that needs to go in the boat, tonight. There are piles of crap in the computer room closet, garage and basement. I should sort all this out and put it all in one place. 20 days till launch. 20 days till sanity..

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