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Crime dud

Well, I'm not fighting crime. Yesterday went as follows, show up for jury duty, on time and clean and shiny. Read book on jury duty. Sit, wait, get posponed a couple of times, th eonly case scheduled pleads out. Get sent home at eleven.. For good... I'm done for three years now. So I'm home today and I'm not going to work. I told them I was going to be out two days and damn it, I am. I may take tomorrow off too. I worked on the boat all afternoon and am getting ready to head out today too.

On the agenda for today, light sand, bottom paint, put in clock, go to doctors. The last one seems to pop up a lot lately. M.E. is going to a musical tonight, Mama Mia. I am so glad she doesn't drag me to that stuff. It is a girls night out. SI I can work till I drop. Maybe I'll even go out for dinner and have a glass of grapes if all my test results look good.

Its funny, even when things are going pretty well, you can't enjoy it as much if people you care about are hurting. I wish I could fix all that stuff for people, but I can't. All you can do is let them know you are there if they need you and go on. Sigh

Maybe I'll get a chance to write later, now I am off, to arms, to arms!


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