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Mary mary not contrary

Brrrrr.. It is DAMN cold this morning. The thermometer said 15, Even doggie didn't want to get out of bed. I got up threw on my pants and a coat and dashed outside to start the truck before I took my shower. This was a good move. M.E. gets the garage. It is the first one she ever had and she appreciates it more than I do so it seems fair. I also don't like the idea of her having to scape or brush snow off in the morning.

We cleaned cushions last night. We have at least three than need recovering. Anybody know how to sew? I'm going to have to find somebody soon. We have extra material, that almost matches. The plan is to replace them all next year with blue untra-suede, so this is a band-aid fix.

We went to Job Lot (love that store) and bought new sheets and a comforter for the aft cabin. They are blue with flowers and it is a little too girly for my tatses, but sometimes it is just best to go along. Besides, she has way better taste than I do, well except in people.....

I picked up the mirrors for the bathroom. Three little doors, total $100. Everything involving boats is in multiples of a hundred so only one boat unit isn't too bad. The new propeller is probably going to be at least 15 boat units. That sounds so much better than $1500 don't you think? I'm going to put the cushions that don't need to be recovered in tonight. I also think I'm going to get a haircut. I'm looking little shaggy.

I haven't heard from Neil since he blew us off this weekend. Neil is a strange dude. I know we are friends, but to Neil, the social strata is more important than that. He'll hang with people he doesn't like as much if they are higher on the socio-conomic scale. Mary his wife is exactly the opposite. She has a few friends and hangs on to them for dear life.

We had Marys birthday party Friday night at the Club and I could see she was stressed. She doesn't handle all that attention well. So I hang around fairly close by. Every few mintutes she reaches out and touches me, just to stay grounded. Neil doesn't seem to realize that need is there, or he doesn't care. She thanked me later just for being there and helping her get through it. She said as long as you were close and I could occasionally touch you, I knew everything was going to be OK. Hell it was easy, all I had to do was stand there, but I know it was a heart-felt thanks. I like Mary.

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