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I feel good

Wow, I feel really good today. I'm awake, full of energy, clear headed, no aches and pains, too bad I have to be here huh? I'm also hungry.... Damn, I hate being hungry. So... I'll drink more water.

I'm working on process sheets and specs today, boring. My mind needs to keep busy and this doesn't do it. I hope the Mosquito Magnet people call bad. Jeff, the guy I know who works there says it is crazy right now. I love crazy.... I'm at my best when things are turning to shit. Here things turn to dust...

Monica is going to come sailing with us this summer. I should invite all my friends here to come and play too. I'm going to have to find a way of explaining everybody without telling M.E. about this diary. It is the only secret I keep from her, my own bit of personal space and I know I'd write things differently if she was reading it. I hardly ever write anything I would be embarrassed to have her read, but still... I'll find a way to pull it all together.

26 days till launch. Johnny the chin calls last night with bad news. The deal on racing paint has fallen through. The paint has gone up, lots. It is still a little cheaper than the wholesale store and I don't have to drive to Connecticut, so I tell him to get it any way. Hopefully by the weekend, I can have the paint on. Once the paint and prop are on, all the rest can happen in the water. This is a MAJOR step. Yippee.

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