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Thar she blows?

Well, I realized that my entries today have been on the kind of depressing side. Funny I don't feel depressed, just sick. M.E. is getting a haircut after work, so looks like some serious couch time for puppy and I on the couch.

The aches and pain doc never called back so I have a call in to my personal physician. My normal inclination is to blow all this stuff off, but something this time tells me to play it by the numbers.

Speaking of numbers I've been crunching them most of the morning and finally have this spreadsheet to where it looks passible. I hope... Maybe it's the codine. People keep telling me I look and sound awful. Gee thanks. LOL

I had split pea and ham soup today. My grandparents were all French Canadian so it sort of is expected. It also means I can think that Jamie Sele the Canadian figure skater was hot without feeling guilty. Sorry M.E. it's in my genes. The soup girl has a small diamond chip in the side of her nose. I was just trying to imagine that there with this head cold. Not a pretty thought. Hmmm, if she takes it out when she has a cold will it leak? Yeech. I can picture trying to blow your nose and poking somebodies eye out. I'm glad I have no extra holes to contemplate. The ones I have give me enough problems thank you.

That is one of the advantages of being a guy I guess, not having to worry about fashion and all that crap. As an Engineer, I get even more of a free pass. If my sox match I'm to be complimented. A guy can have one decent suit and wear it everywhere and people will always say, he looks nice dressed up. If a girl wears the same dress twice it's a scandal. And whats the deal with those shoes? With my ankles, if I had to wear heels I'd be in traction. Clothes designed by foreign guys who hate women (Is that why there all gay?). We also can pee standing up. A major plus. I'm glad to be a guy.

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