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Codine, Garlic and Bread, oh My

Well, I now have a full blown upper respiratory infection thing going and it sucks. I spent most of the night trying to breath, coughing, sneezing and the like. Finally at about 3:00 am I decided to take a double dose of cough syrup with codine. Better living thru chemistry. I over slept..... But not by too much. My furry 85 lb back up alarm clock always lets me know if I do by sitting on my chest and licking my face. Kind of tough to ignore.

It snowed like hell for a while yesterday afternoon and the ride home was interesting. No accidents, but VERY slow and really rotten visability. It didn't help that one of my windshield wipers jumped out of the little tab thing and I had to drive most of the way home with this sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. UGH, I was frazzled by the time I got home.

I made a nice pasta, garlic and vegtables, but we were low on pasta so I busted up some lasagna noodles. M.E. I find out really doesn't care for fat pasta. She eats lasagna, but as a general rule, likes skinnier kinds. Oh well, live and learn. I noticed she did eat it all though.

Yesterday I mentioned my times at DQ and Glen. It got me thinking of those days. I had a major crush on this girl who came in, Robin Flannigan. She drove a blue Firebird with Robin4 as the plate. Man I thought she was cute. I don't ever remember her coming in with a guy, usually a bunch of girls or solo. She always smiled. I use to give her extra food, thats what we did when we liked somebody or our friends were in. You slipped them an extra order of fries or a cheeseburger or something. Occasionally somebody would complain about getting extra stuff and we'd all get in trouble. Who the hell complains about getting extra stuff?

I never had the nerve to ask Robin out. She got a job at the bakery in one of our local supermarkets. I made sure to stop by periodically to buy bread and say hi. One day she was gone and I never saw her again, not even her car. He who hesitates.... Little decisions you make or don't make or don't make that can change everything. Sometimes they are life altering, sometimes life and death. George made lots of those. I'll tell you about George later.

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