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From soup to nuts

The girl who serves the soup at the place I go to for lunch has a beautiful smile. I noticed that a long time ago. Today I noticed she has a great butt too. :-) I'm not sure I could do nothing but serve soup all day, you know? I bet she gets asked out a lot though.

If I could have super powers, I think I'd pick being able to fix things for people. You know, like to be able to go back and fix messed up childhoods or stop bad relationships before they start, to make peoples hurts go away. Wouldn't that be a great power to have? Maybe I could even fix me.

It is dark and rainy but still warm. I had turkey rice stew and it was great. I feel warm now and hopefully it is the soup and not just a fever. Could be 50/50 right now.

I've "met" a lot of great people since I've been on these diarys. I wonder how much different my updates would have been if I had started this 4 or 5 years ago. It would have been much darker I think.

Ok blast from the past, we were pretty poor growing up. We had a house and food, so not that kind of dirt poor, but hand me down clothes and nine people in one bathroom were the normal way of life. I had grand visions of college, but the local high school had lost their accreditation so I wanted to go to a private school. So I went to work, at 14.

I started out washing dishes, moved on to pizza and finally cooking. My first short order job was at the Dairy Queen of all places. I was maybe just 16. I worked there almost two years and became the best grill guy they had. No I didn't get an award. It was all young people and we worked hard and played harder. I had fun there. I met Steve who is one of my best friends at DQ. One night I'm working with this other guy Glen and it is slow. He wants to leave, I need the money so the boss tells him he can leave at 7:30. I'll close up. No problem. Glen goes into the bathroom and downs two hits of acid. No problem he's leaving soon and Glen high is the normal condition. A true burnout. Five minutes before he is ready to go and just as he starts to fly 4 buses of kids pull in the lot. Glen looks at me an begs me to get him off the hook. Of course the boss cancels him leaving. I tell the boss I can handle it as the place fills up with a 160 hungry kids. The boss says no again. I tell him Ronnie, look at his eyes. He does, oops, get the hell out of here Glen and Ron, do what you can OK? LOL I worked like a mad man, solo. Filled up the grill, dumping fries in making a major mess. Everybody got fed. 40 minutes later it was quiet again. The boss told me good job and to let the moring shift clean up (I didn't). About an hour later Glen drifts back in, transfixed by the whirling slush machine. The boss is just staring at him staring at the machine. Too funny.... I heard Glen died a while back. I prefer to believe it isn't true.

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