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Crankiness and brain washing

UGH, The woman in the the next office wants to argue and I am NOT in the mood. I've been a good boy this morning, taken my vitamins (E and chewable multi) and haven't eaten any junk. I'm going to walk at lunchtime so leave me and my headache alone.

She wants a copy of a spec I do not have. The Part Number list shows it exists or did at one point, but it isn't in the book or computer log and our boss, who forgets to put stuff in lots of the time isn't here. I've checked every place I know so screw it. I'm trying to be polite, I always try to be polite, but right now it is wearing thin.

Its a beautiful day again here in the northeast, sunny and going to be in the 50's. Only 3 more days of February. It hasn't been much of a winter which suits me just fine. I'd rather be doing outside stuff, but you have to pay the bills. I do not have a "funky car" I drive a small red pickup truck with an extended cab. Every time I hear that girl sing that song I think of Ventura Highway by America where the guitar riff was stolen from note for note. I can see whay she uses it, it is a good riff.... I don't know the name of the funky car girl, but because of the "lite" station that is on all the time it is being programmed into my head like many other songs, some of which I hate immensely. Maybe my headache isn't blood pressure related? Maybe it is a revolt against all the the bad songs that I now have stored in my brain? I don't hate the funky car girl. I do hate boy "bands". How can you be a band and not play anything?

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