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Mata Monica?

I think Monica is a secret sales person for Diaryland. First they get you hooked reading her stuff (I can't stopand check about ten times a day) and then she references people who are really nice and you read their stuff until you become a Diaryland addict, lose your job and live in a refrigerator box. Then I guess they have to find new readers unless you have a lap top and can tap phone lines.

Monica does have pretty good taste in diarys. I haven't been disappointed yet. She mentioned me once or twice. I wonder if those people who came here were disappointed? Not much I can do about it if they were, I know my life isn't as exciting as the twenty something crowd. I don't think I would trade to go back there. I may have more gray hairs, lots of aches and pains and eat Pepcids like candy, but I'm happier now than I was then. I understand life better. So I guess I'll take that rather than the more exciting entries I could have written a zillion years ago. My gain is Diarylands loss. And such is life in the big city.

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