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Rainy days and Mondays

Happy Monday, I guess... It was a long night. The wind howled so bad that it kept waking me up every hour or so. Stuff was hitting the house too, which made more noise. Turned out to be a good thing, the power went out and both alarm clocks were flasing 12:48. It wasn't 12:48. I hate having to get up to reset the clock, to remind me that I have to get up. Seems counter productive.

Also counter productive, this boat bottom thing. It was blue (the paint) then we blasted it down to barrier coat (white) then I sanded off most of the barrier coat to get to the fiberglass (blue), then I'm going to re-barrier coat (white) then repaint (grey Metallic). Ahh, finally progress I guess.

I can get so absorbed into things. When I went down to work yesterday, it started to sprinkle. I was working away for an hour or so and I see this water coming down the hull. Quite a bit of it. I think it is strange and keep working. Then a freind comes by and wants to know what I'm doing working in the pouring rain. And I look around and there are puddles every where. Between all the clothes I had on, the spot I was at along side of the boat, the crud on my glasses, and the noise of the sander, I never noticed. Oblivious.....

We went to the birthday party for Kath and all the old crowd was there, even Brian and Annie. We three have been friends since fisrt grade. I had a major crush on Annie then, but was way to shy to ever let her know. Her husband left her and the 3 kids a few years back. Just didn't want to be married any more. She looked tired. They all want me to dig out the old slides again and do another blast from the past show. I'm up for that.

It felt weird having all these people around drinking and me with one non-alcoholic beer (left over from last time I had to do this) and water. Not too many people noticed and I was pretty much almost normal once I got into the flow. One thing not drinking does, it sharpens your understanding of when it is time to go home. I heard BTO's Let it Ride on the way in this morning. It seemed fitting. That was our old dancing song at Uncle Sams back in way younger times. "Would you cry if I told you that I lied, would you say good bye or would you let it ride"

Quick note to Robin, you will never be alone lady..... You always have a friend here.

have a great morning!


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