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How to start your day

Happy Sunday. I had a painful but productive day yesterday. I'd planned on sleping late this morning, but M.E. waking up at 3 am from a bad dream shaking and yelling, Then she got up at 6 am to go to work. She is picking up a few extra shifts to try and make up for all the money we are spending. And, to top it off, puppy decided that throwing up on the rug at 7:00 was a good thing. The best wway to start your day, cleaning up puppy barf. Oh well... I gave up and got dressed.

My body seems to be really pissed off at this new health kick. Either that or the meds are in full attack. MY ankles, knees and eventually my back have been a mess. I would have liked to stay on the couch with a heating pad yesterday, but I have way too much to do. So you ignore, move on and figure (hope) that in a week or so things will be better.

I got a call at 7 am yesterday that they were coming at 8 to sandblast the boat. God doesn't anybody sleep on the weekends? I needed to be there by 10. No problem. Then the club calls. They haven't got proof of insurance and want to shut us down. I leave frantic messages on the owners machine and run down right away. Eventually the owner faxes it to the YC and things are cool.

I had to hang around for about 3 hours total. They did a super job. All I have to do is clean up around the edges where the hull paint is, fill in a few spots, sand the whole thing smooth, barrier coat, paint, went sand and I'll be ready for launch. SIGH

I did get the name on one side and it looks great. The whole boat now needs a bath because of all the dust from the blasting. I am going to work some today, when it warms up some. It is too cold and I'm too creaky right now to play.

It is now day 5 of the big no alcohol/caffine/salt/etc thing. I'm hungry most of the time, and not nearly as outgoing. Lots of people have asked me what is wrong. Kind of makes you wonder which is the real me? Maybe it is just the adjustment. Maybe I forgot how to be me without all that crap.

I don't have any real cravings for a drink, but fat... I'd love some ice cream, or cheese, anything bad right now. Oh well the first week or so will be the toughest. I hope the regular me comes back. I hate not having interesting things to say.

My friend Robin from the wrong coast is going to have a tough day I'm afraid. She plans to break up with a long time boyfriend. From the sounds of things, it just isn't meant to be. Too bad.... Even when you know something is right. It doesn't make it easier. She'll be in my thoughts all day today. Maybe the positiive energy will help.

In her last diary entry (Blonide007) she mentioned that she couldn't sleep with somebdy she didn't really love. I'm the same way. I know it is strange for a guy, but I've never had a casual affair. I guess that makes me different. Most guys I know would screw anythign in a skirt if it were available. I've had opportunities. Always walked. Hell I know I'm strange for other reasons, this is just one more log on the fire. BTW Robin, if we had, I'd have probably never left, and would now be sleeping in a car parked in the yard next door, hoping for a peek of you as you take out the trash or walk the dog. Funny how things work out.

Well todays plan, more yucky bottom work. One more coat of varnish on the floorboards and then a birthday party for Kath. She has no clue this is happening. She actually will be returning from 3 days at the Cape. Could be interesting. I know how I feel after a 3 1/2 hour car ride. Would I like to fine 30 people in my house when I got home? NOT! I'll keep you posted.


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