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Its a nice day for a white wedding...

I was just reading Monica's diary, and she mentioned that most of the people she reads have some kind of problem. Me too. I wonder why that is? Because we can relate? Because we have shared experiences. Because we know we aren't alone? Interesting questions.

Today I feel great, but my mind is slow. Not like last night. Last night I was on top of my fastball. Neil was laughing and shaking his head. He kept saying "How do you come up with this shit?" I honestly don't know. Its a gift I guess. To the twisted mind, normal becomes abnormal which becomes funny. You notice things that others are too busy to pay attention too. It is the little things that rule life. The big stuff you just don't have a lot of options on.

I've been smiling a lot today. Some of that I'm sure is from last night. Weird how attention from a pretty girl can boost ones spirits. I know I'm not going any place with this, but it still feels nice to be able to attract the class of women I've been meeting lately. I went too long with a low opinion of myself and only poeple I had no intrest in being interested. One of my favorite sayings is "Timing is everthing in life." That certainly is true here. Not all timing is good.

I've learned to cope alone, but together is definately better. Maybe the fact that I'm happier now projects? I've been told my natural facial expression is sort of a frown. The last two times at the bar both times I got hit on, I was telling jokes and laughing. Could that be the difference? Who the hell knows.

Well the wedding nobody wants to go to starts in 20 minutes. LOL Michelle was worried. She is going to be a witness, and wondered what the legal ramafications of that were. Our non-binding legal opinion... She really couldn't get in any trouble just by signing that she saw these two people get married. It is beautiful out. Nice day for a white wedding. Even if it is fake.

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