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Recycle dog

Good Morning!

Well I don't have much to say this morning. I was a lazy slob most of the night. I came home full of fire and energy, cleaned the house, did laundry and dishes, paid some bills, cooked a nice prime rib dinner and then fell asleep reading the paper again. Monday nights are tough. I wonder if it was the glass of Merlot I had with dinner... Probably not. I didn;t get to catch up on any sleep on the weekend and I definately don't get enough during the week. The 5 am thing is a killer. 7 am would be much more civil.

Puppy ate a beer can yesterday. Shredded it into little aluminum bits. I hope he didn't swallow any. I always find him sleeping on the sectional so I guess he gets these manic spurts at some point in the day. Maybe when the phone rings? He is so sweet when he behaves..... when....

I had trouble sleeping last night, probably because of the combination of the nap and worrying about bills. M.E. and I both worry about money. We both came from relatively poor families and thing were always tight. Realisticly we will be able to get through this tight spot without too much problem, but it still is a pain. I try not to let her know I'm concerned and she does the same. When we discuss it we try to be very adult. Sometimes good things come out of it. She found out last night that our $100 cell bill was because she thought she had free nights and she didn't, Just weekends. Oops My bill is always the minumum.

I hate the phone. I grew up in a house with nine people (including 3 teeaged sisters)and one phone. That phone was always busy so I never got into the habit. I even lived for a year without one. When people wanted to get in touch with me they left notes, or waited until I got home. It worked Ok. The only reason I have one now is because of this long drive through hostile territory. You never know when you are going to be late or need to call AAA. I wish I could get a job teaching sailing or as a charter captain. Getting paid for something you love to do would be so cool. I don't think it would ever get old, but I guess you never know. Well... Back to work.


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