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Boat stuff

Well an hour and a half and this day is over. It's going pretty quickly for a Monday. Left over endorphins from the weekend? I've been pretty busy, which is a good thing. Boredom is the bain of civilized man.

I talked to the sandblast guy and he is going to come next week. That means no more sanding bottom paint for me until I get the racing stuff on. Then I wet sand. Yech, but at least that goes quickly. The floor should be done by next weekend too. I need to start cleaning and waxing the hull. Why did I buy a bigger boat. LOL Jim and Steve came buy for the 5 cent tour on Sunday abd both were very impressed. Jim wants to do Bermuda with me, but there is a problem. His wife Mush wants to do it too. I've known Mush for a zillion years and she was in my crew that won the Nationals in 93. I'd take her anywhere. Jim was there too, as a fill in. He also did the delivery of the Express from Annapolis in 94. That was the best trip ever. I'd be more than happy to take them both but Jim will make it an issue. He's worried that if we all die and him and Mush are both there, that their kids would be left orphans. Um Jim, just sail the damn boat fast and flat and we don't have to worry about dying, just winning. There are enough boats around in a race like that and we'll have all the required safety equipment and then some. Accidents happen, but you are Mush more likely to get killed crossing the street than you are offshore sailing.

I have to think this out carefully because we can only take 7 maybe 8 people tops. Gary is in, Bob Y, Head, me... That leaves 3 or 4 spots. Well, it won't be this year, I just have too much to do before then and it would cost way too much.

Hmm, I have to order bottom paint, sign up for the Nantucket race in May... Way much to do I guess I'd better get going.


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