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Drain Bramage?

Well, still no word on the car yet. I feel kind of off today. Well rested, awake, but my brain just isn't fully engaged. I have sort of a headache, but not really. Hmm, I wonder if all that stripper has got me messed up? It is suppose to be safe, but who the hell knows if it really is. When I told the boys that M.E. was out buying me strippers, they got a different idea. Dirty minds... LOL

I just finished doing my performance review on line. I hate doing those things. I really don't like blowing my own horn, but yet you can't put yourself down too much either, so you end up with a nice middle of the road generic mush type thing. We are suppose to get raises, even though the company profits are way down. Man, we could use it the way we are spending money on this new boat. High Maintanence is right. That reminds me I need to pick up the graphics on the way home. 9" letters, white on gold. The is are dotted with little crowns. Should look pretty cool.

Oh well, back to the drawing board. Later...

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