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Morning is no time to have to think

Good day.... I am really coming to the understanding that civilized man is not supose to have to get up at 5 am, just to put a roof over his head. I looked in the mirror this morning and rrealized I looked tired, and tired makes me look and feel old.

I have my routine, it is a fine balancing act. The damn alarm goes off and I shut it off within seconds. Puppy comes over and wants to be snuggled, so we do. He always gets a minute or two even if I'm late. Now comes the hard part, if I linger in bed for a few, I have to rush and I can't stop for coffee, but I can squeeze in 5 more minutes sleep. If I don't linger, and everything goes OK, I might be able to stop for coffee. Of course winter with it's messy roads and iced windshields gaffs everything up too.

Today, I was up on time, but still not enough time for coffee. I need a nap. The regular routine continues by doing the normal stuff, getting dressed and then giving M.E. several kisses before I leave. She gets to sleep later.. Puppy wants a good bye pat on the head too, then its off for my one hour drive into the wilds of semi-Boston traffic. Oops, that was real, not a comment on this drivel.

On a more positive note, I got mentioned in a good way in two other diarys yesturday, Dinner last night was excellent, and our team won the basketball game by 15. On the down side, I tried to get the plates off M.E.s car last night and now have two huge blood blisters on one finger. Damn things are still on too. She is ditching the vanity plates for normal ones. Her call, I didn't mind the extra cost. But now the initials are wrong so... Might have to blast though, those damn plates appear to be rust welded on.

God this is boring today. Maybe I'll have something to say if and when I wake up.


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