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Shot or not....

Ahhh, The delima... Do I break my resolution and new diet? Neil one of my sailing buddies called and wants to go to the annex. The annex is actually a bar/resturant in the little New England town we live in. We call it the annex because it was where we hung out when Neil got suspended from the YC for being a bad boy. The YC bar is closed Mon and Tue till March, so when the gang needs to chill, the annex it is. So do I go? I always say I'll pop in for one, but Neil never takes one for an answer. Seems like my glass never gets empty. Neil is a banker, Neil has money, Neil takes care of his friends. I was suppose to work on the boat, but it is rainy and cold. Wow you can almost see the rationalization moving along here... I really haven't decided though. I'll have to let you know tomorrow. Hmm, my first diary cliff hanger. Damn I'm dull. LOL

A few people signed my Guest Book, I am really surprised, but I guess happily so. I don't lead a secret double life or anything, so I guess I have nothing to hide. I just didn't expect anybody to come here. It won't change things it is just different.

I've met a few really nice people through this thing. I wish there was a wand I could wave to make peoples life easier. I've been through the crap lots of other people are going through now and I know that hurt all too well. It is so hard to see the rainbow when you are getting pelted to death by the hail. I was fortunate. I not only survived, I found life can actually be pretty good when the storm stops. I never found the pot of gold, but did find things and people that are priceless.

have a great night


Ps Vegas odds are 3 to 1 I go...

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