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Why does my head hurt?

Ugh, spent the day with a mild hangover. The twin birthday parties last night went a little too well, and we finally had to leave when they locked up the bar. As usual, I had my weird episode of the day. While showing the boat to a friend, she bursts into tears. Caught her kid selling pot. As usual, I am supportive. Always the one with the broad shoulders, The person the world tell their problems too, like I have the answer to everything. Memo to world... I don't. But I do try... I'd never turn down a friend in need and lots of people know that. I wonder how strangers figure it out though.

Well on a positive note, piece of shit rental is gone, gone, gone and the truck came out great. I am very happy to have it back, Tomorrow I can start unloading stuff from the new boat, not that it is officially bought. YEAH!!! Almost killed myself showing it to Bob last night in the dark, after a few drinks. The boat is on stands and the deck is Oh 15 feet off the ground. Well it rained yesterday and got cold last night, wheeeeee, ice. Only slipped a little, and fortunately did not go splat. That was the last tour of the evening.

Just a lazy night tonight. We went to the basketball game today (we have season tickets) and beat this team from New York that I hate by 20+ The coach for them is such a jerk. I am VERY glad we won. Only 2 beers at the game. Lingering effects of last nights Pinot Grigio and schnapps on the rocks. Oh well.


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