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Initial Entry ZZZzzz.....

Ahhh my first entry.... Oh the pressure. Pressure is something I usually thrive on, but hate. The tighter the situation the more my system revs up. I can accomplish great things under presure until my body revolts and I get sick. Oh well.

Today I have a combination problem I am bored as hell and I just took two Furanol for a migrane which makes it hard to see and think. I'm also getting a nice feeling from the drugs but they haven't fixed the headache. Maybe thats how they work? It doesn't get rid of the pain, but makes you not care so much that it is there? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a druggie, but I hate to hurt and any time medical science can help out, I'm all for it.

My truck is going in to be fixed tonight from an accident at Christmas... Some old dude stressed out by shopping backed into me. I thought he was going to cry. Christmas does that to some people. He was very nice the whole thing and is paying for everything, but I'll probably end up with some shit box loaner. OH well...

I need to get out of work Friday early. Got any good excuses? We are closing on the new sailboat YIPPIE!!!! a blue 40 foot C&C with all the toys, nice.... I want to do the Bermuda race and the 35 was just too small even though I lived on it during the dark times with her... Her was the ex, we lived way too many years toghether back in the days where I thought there was hope for her. I was wrong and that mistake nearly broke both of us. Thank god I had my sailing to save my sanity. As it was even that couldn't keep me from the depression that comes from being a dog who has been beaten once too many times. Life is so different now. The sun comes up, the clouds go away. I can see the future and it doesn't suck. Not a bad thing.

Oh well I guess this is enough for now. The Furinol is making me sleepy and I have to put some effort into staying awake. I also should get SOME work done this afternoon, even if it is hard to concentrate. Besides, if I tell you everything you'll never want to come back. This of course assumes that there is anybody here to begin with and you aren't already bored to tears. Thanks for stopping by.

Have a Super day


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