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5 years to the day

Five years ago today� I was working in the electronics plant in the Peoples Republic of Canton. It was just another day, just another day. We had music from the radio piped in to the production area. That�s when we first heard the news, a small plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I thought no big deal except for those on the plane. The Empire State building has been hit by planes before, the planes take the brunt if it. When they announced that a second plane had hit tower two and that the Pentagon was in flames, I knew then that life as we knew it was going to change.
We kind of kept working with one ear cocked to the news. Someone said that they heard the towers had collapsed. I thought they were exaggerating. Buildings like that just don�t collapse. Then someone came in with a TV and we all watched� I think I kind of went numb watching the coverage. They showed the people jumping and different angles of the planes hitting. I think I would have jumped. You never know though I guess.
By the end of the day I was so angry. If I had the power I suppose I would have killed them all, those who hated us so. You don�t fight a war by killing innocent people. Well sane people don�t anyway. We play by the rules it will be our downfall. To them all is fair in hate and war. I don�t know how we win here�
For a while the country stood united, but I knew it wouldn�t last. We�re not wired that way, too many special interests, too many bleeding hearts focused in the wrong direction. Most people have forgotten just how mad and hurt and confused they were then. Time, ah time has blurred the feelings like an old towel left on the line too long in the summer sun. I�ll never forget though. Never.

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