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Somethings just make no sense

Three young college kids decided it would be a good idea to get into a rowboat in the fog on the Bay at 2:30 in the morning. Why they thought this, I have no idea... Perhaps alcohol was a factor? They were all reported to be great kids, smart, talented, poplular. They had their whole lives ahead of them. Now they are no more. Sad... If they had stayed with the boat there would have been at least a chance. They didn't. One does not mess with 40 degree water. Ever...
The boat bottom is completely finished. All I have to do now is wax the hull clean the interior and put it back together. I launch on the 27th. I'll be ready.
I got two more interviews lined up today. The opebn list is as follows: Tomorrow is a second interview at the medical device place in Franklin, Friday is the boat instrument place in Conn, Monday is a Six Sigma job in EP and Wednesday is a second interview at the paper. That interview is at 8:00 at night so I can see the place in operation and probably to check to see if I'm still up at 8:00. I'm not that old. I also have been promised a second interview at the place I went to yesterday at a time yet to be determined. Phew... This being unemployed is very tiring...
Dealing with the state on unemployment insurance is almost as much fun as poking yourself in the eye with a hot poker. They really go out of their way to make things difficult. In the end I can only collect for 19 weeks because this quarter hasn't finished yet and for me to get the last 9 weeks, I'd have to wait to file until April 1st, then wait a week and then finally get a check around mid-April. Hello, people, I have bills to pay here... Lets just hope somethign breaks soon and I don't have to worry about it. I didn't get any severance...
Speaking of the state, I need to get my drivers license renewed today. Fun, fun, fun. Here in Ri we can do it through AAA, and so I will. Just one more exciting day in the life.
Happy Wednesday,

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