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Like a runaway luge

I came in to work in a pretty good mood. Much was accomplished on my half day off yesterday, there is only one day left in the week. Even my new dinner recipe was a hit. How bad could today get? How bad could it get...
Yet, here it is only 21 minutes into my work day and I'm already miserable. We're having gluing issues again, Yeller is swearing and screaming that we may lose the whole company because of it. He is probably right. He and the HR person have already had a fight on the phone about firing somebody. The person canned is threatening to sue us. Wonderful. We also managed to screw up an invoice on the few things we shipped to my customer on Tuesday. Fun, fun, fun.... Life should be easier. Why isn't it? Can anybody answer me that? Anybody? Bueller?
I think we decided to refinance the house last night. It really is the only way to get out of the pile of bills that have accumulated while I wasn't working in a civilized manner. I can get a ten year note at about the same rate as I have now. A fifteen would be cheaper, but it would mean another 5 years longer before I finally got it paid off. I'm looking forward to the date where both the house and the boat payments are gone. Then if they want to close down the damn place, let um. I'll work at West Marine.
If we do refi, I'm going to take out enough to pay all the bills and a bit extra to put siding on the house. Maybe enough to buy a years supply of tranqulizers too? It's kind of sad, but there really are days I hate my life. I don't mean to. It just sort of happens. Sigh...
I hope everybody survives the day and has a nice weekend.

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