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Write, write, you'd bloody well write...

Wow, I now have 65 people reading this junk and I still have no idea why. Weird, I always thought I'd always be writing just for me. Mostly I guess, I still do with a bunch of folks looking over my shoulder. I don't mind, I sort of like the company. Honest...
I spent a good chunk of the day yesterday on the job hunt and may have stirred up one or two possibles. One is a supervisor position for a lot less money from the sound of things. The other is an engineering spot for a company that wanted me to consult for them several years ago. I'll listen to all options. Beggars can't be choosers and I'd prefer not to get to the begging stage just yet.
Puppy didn't eat all his food this morning. That can only mean two things: Either M.E. already fed him or he is not feeling well. These are the ONLY reasons for puppy not to eat. I'm hoping it is option 1. I hate it when puppy is sick.
I need to get my butt in gear here and put on a few miles today towards the slimmer and more fit me. This is going to be day three without the traditional glass (or several) of vino and day two of the major get off my butt and get the legs in shape before vacation push. I got 4 miles in yesterday and feel reasonabley well today. I think I'll try for at least a repeat.
Change is always hardest in the begining but once I get a pattern reestablished, I'll be fine. The fact that I've lost almost 30 pounds dispite this period of stress leads me to believe that most things are possible. We'll see. I really don't look at this as a diet, more like a healthier change in life style. So far it's working.
I think you guys need to make a resolution for the new year to write more in my guestbook or notes. I'm going to try and do the same in return. I know I'm a slacker on that sometimes. I'll try and do better, promise.
Happy Tuesday folks

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